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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Loon sculpture is centerpiece of revitalization project in St. Paul

ST. PAUL, Minn. — A massive sculpture of a loon is now gracing the corner of University and Snelling avenues in St. Paul.
The Minnesota-appropriate piece of art is the latest sign of a rebirth in the area surrounding Allianz Field. 
The artist, Andy Scott, titled his sculpture, “The Calling.”
It’s set to be a centerpiece of the United Village development that began with the soccer stadium the Minnesota United Loons call home.
“Part of the vision for the community plan for the United Village site is that the prosperity that should come out of the superblock should cascade up and down University and Snelling avenues,” said Mike Hahm, a project advisor on the United Village.
Plans include a new office building across from the sculpture on Snelling Avenue.
There also are a number of restaurant pavilions in the works and a hotel on University Avenue where there’s currently a McDonald’s.
Neighborhood leaders are looking for investment in the neighborhood during a time they say has been characterized by stores closing and issues with drugs and homelessness.
“Feelings about the empty lots aside, people are thinking and looking ahead to the development that is coming here and excited about something being here,” Jenne Nelson, the executive director of the Hamline Midway Coalition, said this month.
Hahm says the vast majority of the project is being funded with private equity, with the city of St. Paul partnering to help pay for some of the public infrastructure costs.
